What is March Madness Marching Band’s purpose?

Articles of Incorporation? Bylaws?

What sections does MMMB have?

What is the Spirit Corps?

When and where are practices?

Are kids and other guests welcome at practice?

What about protocol for adults?

How do I request a song be added to MMMB’s repertoire?

How does someone request a performance by MMMB?

What happens after someone submits a performance request form?

Why is it important for me to RSVP?

I’m a volunteer. Why can’t I change my mind right before a gig?

How do I find out when and where to show up for gigs?

What am I supposed to wear for performances?

How can I prepare to perform each song and set?

What happens if I need to take a break from the band?

I have an idea for a cool item with MMMB’s logo on it—what should I do?

A reporter approached me to write/video a story about MMMB—what should I do?

How can we and our friends support MMMB financially?

Are contributions to MMMB tax deductible?

Where does money raised by MMMB go?

Who is on the Steering Committee, and what are their responsibilities?

Information resources

What is March Madness Marching Band’s purpose?

  • From our KY Articles of Incorporation and nonprofit bylaws: “MMMB is organized exclusively for charitable, scientific and educational purposes, more specifically for music and dance education and performances, and the promotion of Central Kentucky civic and cultural activities.” 
  • Our main public description: “We’re an all-volunteer, community-building organization disguised as a marching band, bringing joyous performance to charity events and festivals around the region and beyond — professional artists, dedicated amateurs and spirited children who captivate crowds through music and movement! MMMB welcomes performers of all ages and skill levels to our weekly rehearsals.”

Articles of Incorporation? Bylaws?

MMMB is more than a band: we’re also organized as a Kentucky non-profit corporation, plus federally tax exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The IRS designation means that contributions to MMMB are tax deductible on individual income taxes. We also have certain admin requirements.

A 12-member Steering Committee (aka SC, aka board of directors) performs administrative and leadership tasks, operating under a set of detailed bylaws. Fernie Williams is MMMB’s President, and other SC members and their titles are listed at the end of this document.

What sections does MMMB have?

The two primary sections of the band are Musicians (who make the music) and Color Guard (who illustrate the music). Each has smaller sections.

Musicians:      brass; percussion; woodwinds; and other.

                        Led by Minister of the Grooves Tripp Bratton.

Color Guard: choreographed color guard (aka hoop troop)

                        freestyle props (superhoopers, poi, etc; sometimes have choreography)

                        Spirit Corps (drum major, Baby Brigade, roadies, and more)

                        Led by Ministers of the Moves Melissa McCartt Smyth and Teresa Tomb.

What is the Spirit Corps?

MMMB’s Spirit Corps makes it possible for us to share our magic with audiences. Spirit Corps includes both freestyle dancers and non-performing volunteers.

In public parades and community events, Spirit Corps members add to MMMB joy in a wide variety of ways: displaying the banner, serving as roadies, rolling the Baby Brigade, shooting photos and video, and more!  Between gigs, Spirit Corps members help with costumes, props, merch, and organizing band members.

A few simple guidelines make sure Spirit Corps members add to MMMB’s spectacle without blocking our well-rehearsed sets and routines:

  • Spirit Corps members must not bring any noise-making instruments.
  • In parades, Spirit Corps members must march and dance close to the banner or behind the musicians (taking care not to block the choreographed color guard). The Drum Major (and deputies) will provide direction during parades.
  • In stage shows and other stationary performances, Spirit Corps members should dazzle off to the sides of the rehearsed performers, and not in front of them or in the middle of them.

There are occasional exceptions to these performance guidelines, when Spirit Corps members get added to the choreography or music-making. The Minister(s) of the Grooves and Minister of the Moves will make it clear when exceptions arise, and Spirit Corps members may be required to attend practices in order to participate in those events. Please let the Steering Committee know, and we will find a way for non-performers to participate, both during and between gigs.

When and where are practices?

MMMB ordinarily practices every Sunday afternoon at Artworks at the Carver School, 522 Patterson Street.

When indoors, the color guard and musicians usually rehearse in separate second floor classrooms, with a joint period of announcements in the middle:

3:45-4:00 pm  musicians arrive; warm-up

4:00-6:00 pm  color guard and musicians rehearse

break at 5-ish for announcements

This year, we want to shake up our rehearsals with combined group time whenever the moment happens. To facilitate this possibility, please be mobile ready at all rehearsals, and prepared to rehearse outdoors. Musicians should bring to rehearsal lyres and flip chart sized tunes. Full sheet sized music and stands are always appropriate, but if we are ready to go with mobile charts, we might be able to have more combined color guard/instrumental time working on choreography and just more time together. 

Some weeks, the practice location may be different. Due to holidays and scheduling conflicts, there will not be any practice some weeks. All schedule changes will be reflected in the official BAND app, which sends notifications via email.

Are kids and other guests welcome at practice?

Kids who are serious about practicing are very welcome, at the discretion of the Minister of the Grooves and the Ministers of the Moves. A parent/guardian should stay for practice, as no one else in MMMB can take responsibility for watching them. Some teens who have demonstrated commitment to practice diligently may not need parents/guardians to stay, but please know that they are not supervised at practice or at events. We have been very fortunate to have some awesome teen performers!

Guests are welcome to observe practice quietly, and parents/guardians need to keep an eye on their own kids. There are not any extra adults to watch them, and band members need to be able to concentrate on practice. Kids must keep themselves occupied and quiet. Even though we are a fun bunch, we take practice seriously!

Please contact the MMMB president or MMMB vice-president AND the applicable Minister (Moves or Grooves) for approval of children attending in a performing or non-performing manner.

What about protocol for adults?

The general principles, from our bylaws: “MMMB uses a secret blend of local music, local dance, local art, and local funk to produce a product of the highest quality. Members are expected to add to this recipe joyfully, with respect for all band members and audiences, and with professionalism in all practices and performances.”

Please keep in mind that MMMB has never screened new band members or placed restrictions on who may initially join the band. Additionally, alcohol may be present during official band activities. MMMB has no authority over unofficial socializing. A “Musicians Disassemble!” call may be made when official activities end, and “KaPow!” gatherings are never official MMMB events.

Specific venues and event hosts may have additional conduct rules that affect MMMB members. For example, some events may enforce alcohol bans, and locations may prohibit guns and other deadly weapons.

How do I request a song be added to MMMB’s repertoire?

Please send a message directly to Tripp Bratton: trippbratton@yahoo.com

Tripp has unparalleled expertise in evaluating whether tunes and arrangements lend themselves to the broad range of instruments and skill levels among MMMB’s musicians. Decisions are made in consultation with the Ministers of the Moves and based on many factors related to new tunes in the pipeline and MMMB’s schedule.

How does someone request a performance by MMMB?

People wanting MMMB to perform at either a public or private gig should send an email message to booking@m-m-m-b.org. Unless the requested performance date/time has a known scheduling conflict, Fernie Williams will send a performance request form for the host to complete and return to him. The performance request form is also available on our website at https://m-m-m-b.org/book-the-band/

Please do not post performance ideas to the Facebook group or BAND. All requests—even for MMMB “flash mobs”—need to go through this process.

What happens after someone submits a performance request form?

The full Steering Committee evaluates the details of the request, in context of other requested and confirmed gigs on the MMMB calendar. MMMB may have to decline very worthy events for a variety of reasons.

One goal is to limit the MMMB schedule to one or two gigs per month, in addition to our “anchor” performances. The anchors are St. Patrick’s Parade, Lexington Pride Festival, July 4th Parade, Roots & Heritage Parade, Thriller! Showcase and Parade, and Lexington Christmas Parade.

If a majority of SC members votes to continue consideration of the request, a new unconfirmed event is added to BAND. Active band members then receive emailed notifications to RSVP through BAND.

Why is it important for me to RSVP?

We do not confirm any gig unless we have enough “yes” RSVPs for a performance we can be proud of—that requires a good balance from MMMB’s multiple sections. Even when we hit critical mass of performers, the final balance of RSVPs matters as the basis for our artistic leaders to decide the set list.

I’m a volunteer. Why can’t I change my mind right before a gig?

If we’re expecting you, we need you! For a lot of reasons! For example:

  • In consultation with Teresa and Mel, Tripp decides set lists based on how many performers there will be on each instrument.
  • Choreography for some tunes has different parts, and color guard performers may have practiced based on whether they will be 1s or 2s (or 3s).
  • If you commit in advance to carrying the banner or shooting video, there may not be another volunteer present to take your place.

Life happens, and sometimes you have to cancel. Just make sure your band leaders know as far in advance as possible and don’t have to scramble at the gig.

How do I find out when and where to show up for gigs?

All of this information will appear in the details of events on BAND. Redundant information may appear on Facebook, but BAND is the official information source that will have the most up-to-date changes. https://band.us/band/83284793/calendar

If you have your BAND account synced to an external calendar (iCal, Google, etc), the event details do not update immediately. Make sure to check BAND on event days.

Please contact Fernie (fernie@m-m-m-b.org) if you are having difficulty accessing the calendar or any other MMMB resources.

What am I supposed to wear for performances?

This info will appear in each gig’s details on BAND.

Most performances will have a broad costuming theme. For example: the July 4th parade is always red/white/blue; the St. Patrick’s parade is always green/orange/white; and Christmas parades are red/green. Other costume theme examples: night club, kaleidoscope, gingham, circus, sci fi, and gig hosts’ color schemes. The choreographed color guard sometimes layers its own theme elements on top of the full band’s theme. No matter what the costuming prompt is, you are ALWAYS welcome to wear anything that is marching band-inspired. It’s totally cool if you want to wear the same marching band-inspired costume to every gig.

How can I prepare to perform each song and set?

Musicians have several practice resources. These include:

What happens if I need to take a break from the band?

Many band members have needed to take extended breaks from MMMB due to family, work, travel, illness, or other commitments. If you find yourself in this situation, please make sure to edit your RSVPs on BAND so we don’t make performance decisions based on your prior response. You can usually still join us at those events as Spirit Corps, but should not jump in by playing music or dancing choreography. The Minister of the Grooves and Ministers of the Moves will direct you about what’s permissible for people who haven’t been at recent practices.

In addition to limiting participation at gigs, taking a break from MMMB might remove eligibility to vote in bi-annual elections. Taking a break differs substantially from quitting the band or retiring from MMMB. The bylaws include procedures for former members to request to rejoin.

I have an idea for a cool item with MMMB’s logo on it—what should I do?

The first step should be a visit to our TeePublic page to see if we already have that for customization and sale: https://www.teepublic.com/user/mmmband. If we don’t offer it, look through TeePublic to see whether that item is an option on TeePublic. If it is, contact Jamie Groover (jamiegroover47@gmail.com) with your suggestion.

If the branding item you have in mind is not available on TeePublic, please contact both Jamie and Minister of the Message Laura Lacy (lauralacy617@gmail.com) for further information.

A reporter approached me to write/video a story about MMMB—what should I do?

Please connect him or her with Jennifer Miller (jennmill859@gmail.com) and Fernie Williams (fernie@m-m-m-b.org). Without approval from Jennifer or Fernie, no MMMB member should talk about the band “on the record.”

How can we and our friends support MMMB financially?

Any time of year, MMMB supporters can help us financially through a variety of means:

If you have an idea for a grant application or fundraising tool, contact Jennifer Miller (jennmill859@gmail.com).

Are contributions to MMMB tax deductible?

Yes, provided that you and other supporters do not receive anything of value in return. More specifically: under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, financial contributions to MMMB are deductible for purposes of individual income taxes. Money paid for goods and services are not tax deductible, except for any payment in excess of the monetary value.

Where does money raised by MMMB go?

Monies raised by MMMB via performance donations, grants, and the fundraising tools listed above are kept in accounts that are used for these purposes:

  • rehearsal space rental
  • insurance policies (liability and board risk)
  • website and communications tools
  • honoraria to creative content producers (new music and choreography) including but not limited to the Ministers of the Moves and Grooves.
  • transportation and related expenses for travel to performances further than ~6 hours away from Lexington.  Related expenses include payment of Ministers of Moves and Grooves housing (if necessary) and tips/gratuities to service providers (e.g., bus drivers)

Who is on the Steering Committee, and what are their responsibilities?

PRESIDENT, Fernie Williams

The President shall convene regularly scheduled Board meetings and shall preside or arrange for other officer(s) to preside at each meeting.

Fernie also manages access to and instruction in MMMB’s information technology, such as the BAND app; he patiently walks many of us through using MMMB resources on our own devices. He is also responsible for all aspects of performance requests and gig logistics: booking forms, contact with requestor, on-site logistics, negotiating with MMMB SC for approval of performing, RSVP of organization to ascertain band’s willingness and desire for performance, managing RSVP of band, and following up with performance requestor before, during, and after events.


The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President in cases of that person’s absence (unless other arrangements have been made) and will oversee projects and chair committees on special subjects as designated by the Board.

SECRETARY, Jamie Groover

The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping records of Board actions, including overseeing the taking of minutes at all Board meetings, distributing copies of minutes and the agenda to each Board member, and assuring that corporate records are maintained.

Jamie’s tasks also include organizing Spirit Corps at events, sharing social media duties, and managing merch.

TREASURER, Derek Wingfield

The Treasurer shall make a financial report at each Board meeting. Treasurer shall chair the Finance Committee, assist in the preparation of the budget, help develop fundraising plans, pay bills, and otherwise fulfill MMMB’s financial obligations, and make financial information available to Board members and the public.

MINISTERS OF THE MOVES, Melissa McCartt Smyth and Teresa Tomb

Minister(s) of the Moves shall have responsibility for: selecting choreography to accompany MMMB’s arrangements; consultation about set lists with the Minister(s) of the Grooves; evaluating the abilities of individual color guard members; and teaching routines during regular practice sessions.

Beyond required responsibilities, Melissa and Teresa frequently create original choreography for individual tunes and elaborate stage shows.


Minister(s) of the Grooves shall have responsibility for: selecting musical arrangements; deciding performance set lists in consultation with the Minister(s) of the Moves; evaluating the abilities of individual musicians; and teaching songs to band members in regular practice sessions.

Tripp’s composition of original tunes, and his arrangements for each instrument, go above and beyond his volunteer requirements as Minister of the Grooves.

MINISTERS OF THE MESSAGE, Laura Lacy and Jennifer Miller

Minister(s) of the Message shall focus on MMMB’s brand—visual images, written materials, and media outreach representing MMMB’s activities and character.

Laura focuses on graphic design for both social media and printed materials.

Jennifer shares social media duties, manages the MMMB website, and handles back-end details (and occasional legal issues) related to MMMB’s nonprofit operations, such as grant applications and biannual elections. She also takes photos at most performances and posts practice videos.

AT-LARGE MEMBERS, Lea Ann Coleman, Beth Kraemer, and Kate Noye

At-large members of the Steering Committee do not have specific responsibilities listed in the organization bylaws. Along with other SC members, they each: vote on band policy, performances, and expenditures; volunteer for tasks at events; and take the lead on tasks as assigned by the President.

PRESIDENT EMERITUS, Lori Houlihan The founding leader of MMMB, Lori has a permanent, non-voting seat on our board.

What if my question is not answered here?

Email Jennifer Miller (jennmill859@gmail.com), and she will find an answer for you. If it’s a common question we forgot to include here, we’ll update the handbook.

MMMB member-only information resources:

BAND app (BAND.us):

This is MMMB’s primary official internal information resource and communications tool, meant to replace functions previously served by Gig-o-Matic, the Google group listserv, Facebook, and Tripp’s music chart archive. Posts on BAND should be limited to official MMMB business.

Most importantly, BAND contains the most up-to-date details about practices, requested performances, and confirmed performances. You can link your BAND account to a variety of personal online calendars. BAND is also where we collect gig RSVPs.Band members should keep their responses as up-to-date as possible, for both requested and confirmed performances.

Google group and listserv: https://groups.google.com/group/mmmb
This was previously MMMB’s official communication tool and is currently not being used.

Sheet music from Tripp: BAND
Most tunes have separate charts for each instrument, and BAND includes the charts for tunes currently being rehearsed and performed. The chart at https://m-m-m-b.org/current-sets-2022/ links directly to each tune’s folder of charts.

Private Facebook group for band members only: https://www.facebook.com/groups/63437384823/
The posting standards for this group are more relaxed than for BAND and the Google group/listserv. Duplicate practice and performance notices are often posted here, plus the format helps with practice videos and other resources. Please do not use the group to promote projects unrelated to MMMB.

There is an additional private Facebook group for color guard members, covering practice and performance topics that are not relevant for musicians.

Practice resources for musicians: http://trippbratton.com/MMMB/000%20-%20AUDIO/
This folder on Tripp’s website contains audio for a small number of tunes. More practice audio and video is at https://m-m-m-b.org/current-sets-2022/

Choreography videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK1N-Jh74YjYDwo2ip1x6_g/playlists
Many videos in the MMMB Moves YouTube channel have audio quality insufficient for musicians’ practice. The playlists sometimes show choreography from multiple angles.

MMMB public information:

Official website: https://m-m-m-b.org/

Official Twitter @mmmarchingband 

Official Instagram: @mmmarchingband 

Public FB fan page https://www.facebook.com/MMMBLexington